Educator, Trainer and Speaker

About Dawn J. Post, Esq.

Dawn provides various trainings on family law matters in New York City focusing on trial skills, the role of the attorney for the child, custody and visitation, and child protection. Nationally, she has led panels and discussions about providing voice to children in high conflict custody and visitation cases and addressing broken adoptions. Internationally, she has lectured on the role and responsibilities of the attorney for the child. Dawn enjoys teaching and mentoring students of all ages. 

Featured Training

Empathic Exhaustion: Addressing Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma in the Workplace

Staff are often mislabeled as suffering from burnout and having a thin skin when they exhibit psychological distress, changes in cognitive schema, and relational disturbances, that affects their work. By recognizing and addressing compassion fatigue and secondary trauma in the workplace personally and professionally you can have greater productivity and longevity in the field of child welfare and advocacy.

Dawn’s lecture is designed to create a dialogue among the participants about the subject and brainstorm about solutions. The program also has a built-in professional quality of life scale test for participants to determine how they experience compassion fatigue and secondary trauma. The program concludes having each participant identity strategies in their professional, organizational, and personal life, to address it.



Adoption Today: Working Together to Transform, Improve and Strengthen all Families Supersession, Youth Engagement Supersession
Child Welfare League of America – Washington, DC
Broken Adoptions Symposium
New York Law School
Strengthening The Forever Homes: Post-Adoption Support In Challenging Cases
North American Council on Adoptable Children – Long Beach, CA
National Foster Parent Association (NFPA) /Florida State Foster/Adoptive Association (FSFAPA)
National Education Conference – Orlando FL
Does Biological Family Involvement Impact Or Destabilize Adoptive Placements From Foster Care
The Rudd Adoption Conference: Contact Between Adoptive and Birth Families: What Works? – Amherst, MA
15th Annual Children’s Law Institute, Practising Law Institute – New York, NY
Domestic Adoption: A Whole Different Landscape
The 10th Annual Adoption Law & Policy Conference by the Center for Adoption Policy & New York Law School – New York, NY
Foster Care Rebound: Returning To Care After Adoption
New York State Adoption Action Network 2012 Adoption Forum – New York, NY
Broken Adoptions: Is The Information Superhighway Reconnecting And Disconnecting Families?
Capital University School of Law, The 8th Annual Wells Conference on Adoption Law – Columbus, OH
Preventing Adoption and Guardianship Failures
ABA National Conference on Children and the Law – Washington, DC
What Happens When An Adoption Fails
Capital University School of Law, The 7th Annual Wells Conference on Adoption Law – Columbus, OH
The Revolving Doors Of Family Court: Confronting Failed Adoptions
Adoption Initiative, St. John’s University – New York, NY


Are You Still My Family? Adoption Policies And Practices Surrounding Post-Adoption Sibling Visitation
North American Council on Adoptable Children – Long Beach, CA
Rudd Adoption Conference – Amherst, MA
National Association of Council for Children – Denver CO
National Foster Parent Association (NFPA) /Florida State Foster/Adoptive Association (FSFAPA)
National Education Conference – Orlando, FL
Are You Still My Family? Exploring Legal/Policy/Practice Adoption Issues Related To Foster Placements Of Sibling Groups
Capital University School of Law, The 10th Annual Wells Conference on Adoption Law – Columbus, OH


Child Representation: A Plea For The Use Of Synergistic And Interdisciplinary Approach For Attorneys Nov.
25th Anniversary UN Convention On The Rights Of The Child, Leiden – Netherlands
Symposium On Providing Legal Services For Children Across Europe
University College Cork Child Law Clinic & Law Centre For Children And Young People – Dublin, Ireland
Características y Rol del Abogado Defensor del Niño (Characteristics And Role Of The Child Advocate)
Seminario Internacional de Derecho de Familia (International Seminar on Family Law),
Universidad Diego Portales – Santiago, Chile
Hacia un Nuevo Enfoque de Protección de Niños y Niñas en Situación de Vulnerabilidad
(Towards a New Approach to Protecting Children in Situations of Vulnerability)
Fundación Pro Bono – Santiago, Chile


Empathic Exhaustion: Understanding and Addressing Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma
19th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect – New Orleans, LA
ABA National Conference on Children and the Law – Washington, DC
Unified Court System, Judicial Law Institute – White Plains, NY
Management Information Exchange (MIE) – Nashville, TN
ABA National Conference on Children and the Law – Washington


Systemic Improvement: Getting The Community, The Court And Child Welfare To Visit The Data – A Study On How Collaboration And Trial Advocacy Can Impact Policy Outcomes And Accountability
New York State Child Abuse Prevention Conference – Albany, NY
Fostering Strategies for Change Conference – Kansas City, MO


Can We All Just Get Along: Including The Child’s Voice In Custody And Visitation Cases
National Association of Counsel for Children – Atlanta, GA
Calm In The Face Of The Storm: Strategies On How To Effectively Represent Children In High Conflict Custody And Visitation Cases
ABA Center on Children and the Law – Washington, DC
15th Annual Children’s Law Institute, Practising Law Institute – New York, NY
National Association of Council for Children – Austin, TX
Providing Voice To Children In High Conflict Custody And Visitation Cases
Association for Family and Conciliation Courts – Boston, MA
The Voice of the Child: Articulating Parental Capacity in Custody Cases
National Association of Counsel for Children – Monterey, CA


Everyone I Know Hits Their Kids: Cultural Competence In Custody/Visitation
Association for Family and Conciliation Courts – Kansas City, MO
Hot Tips from the Experts: What Matrimonial Lawyers Must Know When Administration for
Children’s Services Investigates
New York City Bar Association – New York, NY
Bridging The Gap: Gaining Rapport With The Communities And Teenagers We Serve

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