Dawn J. Post, Esq.

Professional Writings and Personal Essays

Professional Writing

Over the course of her career, Dawn published numerous articles from a child-centric perspective on the effective representation of children, race and socio-economic factors that impact decision-making, adoption subsidy misuse, the effects of high conflict custody and visitation cases, the use of chemical and physical restraints, and sex trafficking, to name a few.

Personal Writing

Dawn is currently working on a creative non-fiction project to elevate the voices of foster children and to bring greater attention to the issues that plague the child welfare system and the damage that foster children experience. Her personal essays have been published at Independent Voices, Wry Times, Little Old Lady Comedy, Survivor Lit, and elsewhere.


  • Broken Adoptions/Adoption Subsidy Misuse
  • Post-Adoption Sibling Visitation
  • Management/Empathic Exhaustion in the Legal Services Workspace
  • High Conflict Custody/Visitation
  • Systemic Improvement
  • Youth Voice

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