Dawn J. Post, Esq.


Legal Advocacy

As a compassionate mediator and experienced trial attorney, Dawn skillfully advocates for her clients using a child-centric approach whether it be in child protective proceedings or high conflict custody, visitation, or order of protection cases.


From professional writings to personal essays, Dawn has a vast body of work.

Meet Dawn

I decided to become a lawyer for children when I was only 10 due to a horrific murder that occurred in the state of Maine, where I grew up, when a child was returned to her mother from foster care. Maine didn’t even have attorneys for children, but I didn’t let that stop me. I left high school at age 16 and persuaded officials at the state University to accept me without a high school diploma to speed up my journey. As the youngest intern ever hired at Pine Tree Legal Assistance, I won my first administrative hearing when I was just 18.

While I have been based in NYC, my entire career has been dedicated to children’s rights, advocacy, and litigation in the non-profit sector. From this experience, I bring a child-focused attitude to every engagement as a litigator, child welfare expert and reformer, teacher, and author.

I am happy to schedule time with you to talk about how I can meet you or your organization’s needs.

  • Are you involved in a family court proceeding and need an attorney?
    • With over 20 years of experience, Dawn brings not only a depth of knowledge and experience, but thoughtful and personalized representation to effectively meet and address your needs and the issues presented in your case.
  • Are you seeking a teacher to educate and energize your organization?
    • Dawn is a passionate and effective teacher, addressing issues related to child welfare and child advocacy, speaking at conferences and offices across the country. One of her most important and effective trainings addresses compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma in the workplace.
  • Can a consultant help your agency develop and plan for systemic improvement?
    • Dawn helps agencies develop and effectuate a plan for systemic improvement through her own experience successfully raising awareness and addressing issues related to youth voice, broken adoptions, adoption subsidy misuse, and post-adoption sibling visitation.

Child Welfare Expert

Working at the intersection of social justice and the foster care system. 


Providing engaging instruction and training to students and professionals locally, nationally and internationally.

Send Dawn a message below.